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27 de Marzo de 2024

Open Competitive Tender for CLIMATE-SPACE Knowledge Exchange

ESA Tender Action Number: 1-12141. ESA Activity Number: 1000039650.

Update (27th March 2024) - The closing date for proposal submissions has been extended to 13:00 CET on 19th April 2024.

A new European Space Agency (ESA) procurement to perform communications, storytelling, data tooling and data management for the CLIMATE-SPACE programme is the subject of an open competitive Invitation To Tender (ITT) by the ESA Climate and Long-Term Action Division. The tender is issued via esastar. The closing date for proposal submissions is 13:00 CET on 19th April 2024.


Climate change is the biggest global threat and challenge of the 21st century. The main international driver for action responding to climate change is the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The 2015 UNFCCC Paris Agreement, a legally binding international treaty, aims to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change, with Article 12 calling for the promotion of public understanding, public awareness, public access to information, and training and education, recognising these as important steps to enhancing action.


To that end, the purpose of CLIMATE-SPACE Knowledge Exchange is to maximise awareness, access, use and understanding of satellite data for climate research with an emphasis on promoting the CLIMATE-SPACE programme. To fulfil this purpose the Contractor is tasked with the following six objectives, relating to the themes of communications, storytelling, training, data tooling, data management and communications innovation, respectively.

  1. Communications. To strategically inform and engage climate scientists and the public on space derived climate research, including the gathering and curation of CLIMATE-SPACE science information, the forming of such information into communications content, the leveraging and management of communications channels, venture building towards partnerships and collaborations into other sectors, with strategic communications management underlying all these activities. Especially pertinent to the meeting of this objective is a leading participation via the Contractor of a major specialist Communications presence.
  2. Storytelling. To increase awareness to climate scientists and the public of space derived climate research. This comprises the maintenance, further development and hosting of an interactive communications platform (Climate from Space) geared to capturing the imagination of users, and the production of high quality graphics and animations.
  3. Training. To increase understanding to climate scientists and the public of space derived climate research. This comprises the development and hosting of training resources and events, a series of training seminars and a series of competitions.
  4. Data Tooling. To increase use by climate scientists and the public to the data produced by the CLIMATE-SPACE programme. This comprises the maintenance and further development of a CLIMATE-SPACE python library (CCI Toolbox).
  5. Data Management. To increase access by climate scientists and the public to the data produced by the CLIMATE-SPACE programme. This comprises collation, curation, provision of free and open data access and discoverability of data produced by the CLIMATE-SPACE programme via a central data management facility to climate scientists (CCI Open Data Portal).
  6. Communications Innovation. To accelerate the awareness, access, use and understanding of satellite data for climate research, through cost effectively cultivating and scaling up novel means of climate communication.


A CLIMATE-SPACE Information Day (10th May 2023) briefing recording and presentation slides are available, including an overview of ESAs competitive procurement process.


ESA-Match is ESA's industry matchmaking tool. The platform supports the visibility of entities registered with ESA, facilitates partnering, teaming and cooperation. Aside from the searchable space industry directory, esa-match offers features such as a marketspace which lets companies and organisations advertise offers and needs, and a B2B area which enables users to send messages to other entities via the tool.

Further Information

For further details and to respond to the open competitive tender see here :