20 november 2017
Cloud_cci User Workshop Nov 2017
24 participants attended workshop at DWD in Hamburg
The Cloud_cci User Workshop was held on 15-16 November 2017 at DWD facilities in Hamburg, Germany with 24 participants. Main topics addressed during the workshop were:
- Reviewing core achievements of Cloud_cci (Algorithms and datasets)
- Applications for model evaluations
- General climate analysis and characterization
- Applicability of cloud droplet number concentration and its retrieval
- Aerosol-Cloud interactions
- Practical applications
- Introducing the CCI toolbox using the example of Cloud_cci data
The presentations given indicated the wide range of application that are done/feasible using Cloud_cci data. This range will widen a lot when radiation properties become available (colocated to the cloud properties) in v3.0 dataset. The feedback by the participants was very positive. Several side discussions tackled the v3.0 datasets, corresponding improvements compared to v2.0, their content and availability. A prototype version of the AVHRR-PM v3.0 had been made available to selected users. Side discussion during the workshop also included status updates and clarifying further work on remaining tasks in the Cloud_cci project, e.g. (simplistic/full) Cloud_cci simulator, last CC4CL updates before generation of AVHRR-AM/PM and ATSR2-AATSR v3.0 datasets.