The following organisations make up the Sea Level project team.
The ESA Sea Level CCI+ extension activities (2019-2024):
The project team involved in the Sea Level CCI+ activities includes 4 companies/institutes from 3 ESA member states. The consortium has been built to integrate partners from the Earth Observation, Oceanography and Climate communities, all providing internationally acknowledged expertise:
- CLS, France,
- LEGOS, France,
- National Oceanography Center (NOC), United Kingdom,
- Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany.
The Expertise:
- The organisation for the Sea Level CCI+ includes the science leadership assigned to Dr Anny Cazenave (LEGOS) who is internationally recognised for her scientific expertise in the field of altimetry and climate.
- CLS will ensure the project leadership through the project manager (Dr Jean-François Legeais). CLS is also involved in the characterisation of regional mean sea level uncertainties (Dr Pierre Prandi).
- LEGOS is also in charge of the system development and processing of the altimeter products (Dr Florence Birol) as well as the product quality assessment (Dr Anny Cazenave) and the uncertainty characterisation (Dr Benoît Meyssignac). Dr Anny Cazenave is the Science Leader for SL_CCI+.
- TUM (Dr Marcello Passaro) is in charge of the provision of the ALES ranges to be used in the sea level products.
- NOC (Dr Francisco Calafat) is in charge of the validation of the altimeter sea level products with the support of SkyMAT Ltd (Dr Andrew Shaw).
The phase II of the SL_CCI project (2014-2019):
The project team involved in phase II of the SL_CCI project has included 15 companies/institutes from over 7 countries and has been built to integrate expertise in the fields of Earth Observation and Climate Modelling. The team members are CLS, LEGOS, CGI, IsardSAT, DTU, GFZ, NOC, University of Porto, PML, University of Hamburg, NERSC, ECMWF, TUD, University of Bonn and TUM.
The Expertise:
The Science leadership has been assigned to Anny Cazenave who has an internationally recognized scientific expertise in the field of altimetry and climate.
While CLS will ensure the SLCCI-Phase 2 project leadership through the project manager (G. Larnicol / JF Legeais), the full strength of the consortium comes from the 3 core groups involved in the project: Earth Observations team, Climate research group and system engineering team respectively led by M. Ablain (CLS), D. Stammer (UoH) and C. Farquhar (CGI).
The Consortium
The consortium has been built to integrate core partners from the Earth Observations community (CLS, GFZ, isardSAT, DTU Space, LEGOS) and from the Climate modelling community (UoH, ECMWF, NERSC), all having an internationally acknowledged expertise in their field of expertise.