The Water Vapour project consortium is based on a close collaboration between the following partners including retrieval scientists (EO), data analysts (Val), system engineers (SysEng), and climate experts (CRG):
- Michaela I. Hegglin (science lead, Val) and Hao Ye (University of Reading, UK)
- Kevin Halsall (Telespazio UK) (project management)
- Marc Schröder, Rainer Hollmann and Hannes Konrad (DWD, Germany) (Val)
- Olaf Danne and Carsten Brockmann (Brockmann Consult, Germany) (SysEng)
- Rene Preusker and Jürgen Fischer (Spectral Earth, Germany) (EO)
- Richard Siddans and Brian Kerridge (STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK) (EO)
- Kaley Walker (University of Toronto, Canada) and Chris Sioris (ECCC, Canada) (EO)
- Tim Trent and John Remedios (University of Leicester, UK) (Val)
- Daan Hubert and Jean-Christopher Lambert (BIRA-IASB, Belgium) (CRG)
- Hélène Brogniez (University of Versailles, France) (CRG)
- Christian Rolf and Patrick Konjari (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany) (Val)
The following partners contributed to Phase 1 of the project:
- Alexandra Laeng, Gabriele Stiller and Thomas von Clarmann (KIT, Germany) (Val)
- Ulrike Falk (DWD, Germany) (CRG)
- Jia He (University of Versailles, France) (CRG)
- Luis Gimeno and Jorge Eiras-Barca (University of Vigo, Spain) (CRG)