The Antarctic_Ice_Sheet_cci+ project team comprises eight scientific and industrial partners from the UK, Denmark, Norway, Austria and Germany.
The team is organised as follows:
- Project Lead and Scientific Lead - Northumbria University (NU). The Science Lead is Prof. Andrew Shepherd.
- Technical Project Management - Science And Technology AS (S&T).
- Climate Research Group - led by Prof. Tony Payne of the University of Bristol.
Northumbria University (NU) is the project leader, responsible for the scientific coordination of the project, relations with ESA and communicating about the project to relevant scientific communities. NU has extensive experience with research projects concerning the Antarctic ice sheet and with the processing of satellite data sets. Prof. Andrew Shepherd (UL) is a Professor of Earth Observation at Northumbria University, Director of the UK Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling, and Principal Scientific Advisor to the CryoSat-2 mission. Prof. Shepherd has over 20 years of experience in the use of Earth Observation data sets, including the use of satellite radar altimetry and satellite radar interferometry to study the polar regions. He has also led numerous field campaigns to calibrate and validate satellite observations, including in the Arctic and Antarctic regions. Furthermore, he is the author of a body of research that is widely reported in the media.
Science And Technology AS (S&T) is responsible for the Antarctic Ice Sheet CCI+ technical project management.
DLR's (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt) IMF (Remote Sensing Technology Institute) is participating in the scientific algorithm development and product generation for the GLL parameter. DLR IMF is focused on sensor-specific algorithms and software. The SAR Signal Processing Department at IMF, involved in this project, develops operational software for interferometric SAR processing, like the operational processors for the TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X data products, as well as new methods and products for SAR geophysical applications.
DTU Microwaves and Remote Sensing Group (DTU-N) will contribute to the generation of IV products for the Antarctic ice sheet. DTU-MRS are experts in SAR processing techniques and in processor development.
DTU Space - Geodesy and Earth Observation Group (DTU-S) will use its extensive experience with gravimetric and radar altimetry satellite data to contribute to the SEC (Surface Elevation Change) algorithm and product development.
ENVEO is leading the scientific algorithm development for Ice Velocity (IV). ENVEO’s core expertise and research activities include the development and applications of satellite Earth Observation data for monitoring the polar regions for climate research, including the retrieval of ice sheet and glacier velocity from Sentinel-1. ENVEO has long-term experience in the retrieval of land ice parameters and seasonal snow from SAR and optical satellite data, in the design, implementation and operating of services using satellite data, and assessment of geolocation accuracy of optical sensors, as well as validation of geophysical products. ENVEO also contributes to the preparation of new satellite systems for monitoring the cryosphere.
TUDr (Technische Universität Dresden) is leading the scientific data processor development of the Gravimetric Mass Balance (GMB) parameter including the Full Round Robin activity. Research at the TUDr Chair of Geodetic Earth System Research aims to contribute to the understanding and monitoring of the Earth system by means of geodetic observations and their analysis. The research especially addresses the use of satellite gravimetry (GRACE and GRACE-FO) to determine global mass redistributions, particularly mass changes of ice sheets, and the use of GNSS on the ice sheet surface to determine ice flow and surface elevation changes.
University College London/MSSL (UCL) has used techniques of infrared radiometry, synthetic-aperture radar and radar altimetry for polar monitoring since 1981. The group has led or participated in numerous ESA-funded studies into the technical design and applications of satellite radar altimeters. UCL has been actively involved in the development of processing algorithms and supporting the development of operational software for ground segments.
The Climate Research Group
The Climate Research Group (CRG) has been selected to represent a broad range of expertise and seniority. The CRG will both act as a review board for the ECV product deliverables, and as a project advisory board, and also formally contribute to the climate assessment reports.
The CGR is headed by Prof. Tony Payne, a world-leading ice sheet modeller. Prof. Payne is Head of Geography at the University of Bristol, IPCC AR5 Lead Author, IPCC Special Report on 1.5C Lead Author, member of the CMIP6-ISMIP6 Steering Committee, and member of the IMBIE Steering Committee.
The following internationally well-renowned experts make up the rest of the CRG team:
- Prof. Peter Nienow, professor of Glaciology in the School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh. His research interests primarily concern process glaciology and in particular glacier hydrology, ice dynamics, glacier erosion, snowpack structure, and cryospheric response to climate change.
- Dr. Amber Leeson, Lecturer in Glaciology & Environmental Data Science and part of the Lancaster Environment Centre (LEC) and Data Science Institute (DSI) at Lancaster University (LU).
- Dr. Stephen Cornford, Lecturer at the University of Swansea with technical expertise in numerical modelling of land ice. He is one of the two leading developers of the BISICLES ice sheet model, which employs time-evolving meshes and parallel computing to deal with the disparate length scales and vast span of continental ice sheets.
It is planned that the CRG will attend the annual CMUG meeting as well as the project's annual reviews.