The latest global Aerosol_cci products including uncertainties are provided via the CCI Open Data Portal:
Since operational continuation of data (re-)processing has been transfer to the Copernicus Climate Change Service, more recent versions of updated / improved data records (also including successor sensors SLSTR and OLCI) are available at the Copernicus Climate Data Store
Latest mature Aerosol_cci data records
- AATSR_ADV and ATSR2_ADV / v2.31 AOD, FMAOD 1995-2012 (FMI)
- AATSR_ORAC and ATSR2_ORAC / v4.01 AOD, FMAOD 1995-2012 (Oxford University / RAL)
- AATSR_SU and ATSR_SU / v4.3 AOD, FMAOD 1995-2012 (Swansea University)
- AATSR and ATSR2 uncertainty-weighted ensemble v2.6 (DLR)
- IASI_ULB / v8 Dust AOD 2007-2015 (ULB), available on request
- IASI_LMD / v2.1 Dust AOD 2007-2015 (LMD), available on request
- IASI_IMARS / v5.2 Dust AOD 2007-2015 (DLR), available on request
- IASI_MAPIR / v3.51 Dust AOD 2007-2015 (BIRA), available on request
- PARASOL_GRASP v0.08 AOD, FMAOD, SSA 2005-2013, 4 selected regions (LOA), available on request
- GOMOS_AERGOM / v3.00 stratospheric extinction 2002-2012 (BIRA)
Additional Aerosol_cci data records
- MERIS_ALAMO / v2.2 AOD 1-12 2008, ocean only (ICARE)
- Multi-sensor AAI / v1.7 1978-2012 (KNMI, co-funded by Aerosol_cci)
- SEVIRI CISAR data set v10 2008 is provided (experimental, available on request), available on request
Main dataset characteristics
The four AATSR data sets are similar in their quality over land to MODIS / MISR but with weaker coverage and less accuracy for high AOD values. The four ATSR-2 data sets cover a historic period observed by few other satellite aerosol sensors.
The four IASI datasets contain a complementary aerosol property (mineral dust AOD).
PARASOL / GRASP provides several consistent aerosol properties within one retrieval: AOD, Fine Mode AOD, Single Scattering Albedo.
GOMOS / AERGOM provides stratospheric extinction profile data sets.
The multi-sensor AAI record provides qualitative information on aerosol absorption.
The MERIS data set provides wider swath width than AATSR (both on-board ENVISAT).
The SEVIRI CISAR algorithm provides hourly AOD.