Water Vapour – Total Column Water Vapour (version 3.2)
Available via the Open Data Portal:
- CCI TCWV-land
- Total column water vapour over land (CDR-1)
- This vertically integrated (total column) water vapour ECV, in units of kg/m², is a gridded L3 data product over land based on ESA (MERIS, OLCI) and NASA instruments (MODIS). The final dataset covers the period July 2002 to December 2017.
- CCI WV-strato
- Vertically resolved water vapour in the stratosphere (CDR-3)
- This vertically resolved water vapour ECV is a merged data product based on a range of ESA, third-party and NASA instruments including SAGE II, HALOE, UARS-MLS, POAM III, SAGE III, SMR, SCIAMACHY, MIPAS, Aura-MLS, ACE-FTS, ACE-MAESTRO and SAGE III/ISS and spans the time period 1985 to the end of 2019. The product is provided as zonal means and in units of ppmv (mixing ratios).
Available via the EUMETSAT CM SAF:
- Total column water vapour over land and ocean (CDR-2)
- Available from
- The CDR-2 dataset is a global, i.e. land and ocean coverage, TCWV product in units of kg/m². It contains the CDR-1 over land, coasts and sea-ice and the HOAPS microwave imager based TCWV data over ocean. The HOAPS data are generated by EUMETSAT CM SAF. CDR-2 is released by the EUMETSAT CM SAF. The final dataset covers the period July 2002 to December 2017.
Arriving in Phase 2:
- Vertically resolved water vapour in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (CDR-4)
- This CDR consists of three-dimensional vertically resolved water vapour data, covering the troposphere and lower stratosphere from 2010 to 2014. The water vapour is based on IMS, MIPAS, ACE-FTS, ACE-MAESTRO, and Aura-MLS. The global product includes mixing ratios in units of ppmv.
Early access to preliminary datasets not yet published can be requested by contacting the science lead of the team in Contacts.