The MOTECUSOMA team consists of 9 scientific and industrial partners. The team is organised as follows:
The MOTECUSOMA team consists of 9 scientific and industrial partners. The team is organised as follows:
- Magellium: Project Manager, Earth Energy Imbalance (EEI) product development
- Laboratoire d'Etudes Géophysique Océanographie Spatiales (CNRS/LEGOS): Science Leader, coordination of Earth energy Imbalance development and science analyses
- Department of Meteorology, NCEO, University of Reading: Co Science leader, coordination of Surface air Temperature (TAS) development
- National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO), University of Leicester: Land Surface Temperature
- Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI): Temperature in Ice Zone
- National Oceanography Centre (NOC): Sea Surface Temperature
- Metoffice: Responsible of the production of TAS
- Laboratoire d'Océanographie Physique et Spatiale (CNRS/LOPS): Validation of EEI with in-situ data
- University of Vienna: Atmospheric Heat Content