Working Groups
CCI Working Groups cover Climate Science, Data Engineering and Data Standards
Climate Science Working Group (CSWG)
The CSWG facilitates close cooperation between CMUG ( and climate users embedded within each CCI ECV project. The group is coordinated by the CMUG project manager, and meets several times per year via videoconference to share experience of using CCI ECVs for climate science. The CSWG members also take part in the CMUG Integration Meeting, which is a physical meeting held in parallel with the CCI’s annual Colocation Meeting.
Data Engineering Working Group (DEWG)
The objective of the Data Engineering Working Group (DEWG) is to ensure maximum usability of the datasets produced within CCI, and cultivate tools for their access, discovery and manipulation, through common CCI data standards.
The DEWG comprises one representative from each CCI project, a representative from ESA who is Chair of the working group, plus two members from ESA involved in ESA Climate Office Knowledge Exchange activities. Additional people are invited to attend meetings at the request of the Chair.
View the DEWG Terms of Reference
CCI Data Standards
The DEWG and its predecessor working groups have defined a standard approach to CCI data formats and data description to ensure maximum usability of the data sets produced within the CCI and allow generic tools for data access, discovery and manipulation to be deployed. Its aims are to provide a forum to manage data standards across CCI projects, ensure that existing standards are adhered to within CCI data products, agree common format and metadata requirements for CCI data products, enable CCI projects to feedback and iterate on proposed data standards, and to share expertise.
The DEWG has defined CCI Data Standards (v2.2, May 2020) including a supporting CCI Ontology.
Support to CCI Data Producers
If the CCI data standards do not cover all their needs, data producers are requested to contact the CCI Portal team via the CCI ODP helpdesk. For more information on the DEWG, please contact Ed Pechorro, DEWG Chair (