Second Ozone_cci User Workshop
28-29 May | Online | Workshop on the ozone climate data records developed by the ESA CCI
The European Space Agency’s Climate Change Initiative (CCI) aims to realise the full potential of the long-term Earth Observation archives collected by ESA and Third Party satellite missions.
Since 2010, the Ozone CCI team has been developing, maturing, generating and sustaining multiple complementary multi-decadal satellite ozone Climate Data Records (CDRs) tailored for climate monitoring, climate research and climate modelling applications.
The CCI ozone product portfolio consists of total and tropospheric ozone column data products as well as vertically resolved ozone products by nadir and limb-viewing sensors.
Interactive: ESA_cci Mean Total Ozone Column in Dobson Units (v1)
Workshop objectives
This second user workshop will be an online event (28-29 May 2024) is aimed at bringing together scientists involved in the generation of ozone Climate Data Records, as well as (potential) users of such multi-decadal ozone time series, and the broader ozone and climate communities:
- presenting the state of the art in ozone Climate Data Record production;
- discussing results from major Climate Data Record users, e.g., stratospheric ozone assessments for WMO/UNEP, tropospheric ozone assessments for TOAR II, studies focusing on UT/LS, evaluation of climate modelling, data assimilation and reanalysis;
- collecting and updating user requirements for ozone Climate Data Records;
- discussing remaining challenges for the generation of ozone Climate Data Records.
More information (programme and presented material) can be found at